Hi! I'm Deanna, mom of 9 and grandmother of 5 now.
I am also blessed to be a Midwife in North Mississippi.
1. Why did you decide to become a Mdiwfe? I have always believed that knowledge and support can help every family through the process of pregnancy and birth. After watching how my own daughter was 'left behind' in her own birth experience by all of the misinformation she was given by friends and family, and the lack of forthcoming information from her medical team, I knew I wanted better for her next time...and better for every mom. You don't know what you don't know, and sadly, that opens you up to believing the often popular but wrong information from others, even experienced moms, and you simply don't know what to ask your medical team. You get left behind.
2. What are your hobbies, passions, diversions, etc.? I am a long time homemaker and mother, focusing most of my life and hobbies around family. I sew, work with yarn, garden, bake and create meals from scratch, homeschool, and continue to pursue personal studies of my own through a love of reading. Besides midwifery work, I am also working continually to enhance my knowledge of natural healing and plant-based medicines through herbal studies, as well as integrative and holistic methods such as homeopathy.
3. What is your philosophy about birth? Women are strong, capable beings. I believe birth has become so medicalized and impersonal that many women have lost their sense of strength in their ability. Pregnancy is not a disease to be treated, it is a process to absorb and to welcome. 4. A little something about your personal life I obviously have a passion for birth...I have 9 biological babies of my own. My husband and I have a small homestead full of children and animals where we have homeschooled for 28 years. Our current project at home is dog rescues. I simply can't turn down the opportunity to be around babies, lol.
5. What specialties, unique qualities do you have that might make someone want to hire you specifically? As a mom myself, I understand the ups and downs of pregnancy and birth. I can relate to the first-time mom as she journeys into motherhood, as well as to the mom wondering how to manage a newborn with toddlers and other siblings already at home. I have a variety of personal birth experiences of my own...from unplanned pregnancies to emergency cesarean sections to multiple VBACs, high risk issues, and both medicated and natural births. I have suffered through the birth and loss of our daughter at 26 weeks gestation and subsequently aided our hospital in helping high risk moms and those suffering losses by hosting a bereavement support program.
As a grandmother, I count it a blessing and a duty to share what I have learned from trial and error, as well as evidence-based information, so that every mom can have access to their own best birth experience and journey into motherhood.
As a Midwife living in and serving North Mississippi, I am here to support you, the birthing family, by walking alongside you in your pregnancy journey from education on what physiological birth is, how diet and supplements can grow not only yur health, but that of your baby as well. We will have full open discussions on processes and testing so that you are prepared to make truly informed to decline or consent to the common aspects of childbearing. I am here with knowledge and skills to help ease your anxieties and empower you to become even more confident with your labor and with your journey into parenthood. And we will navigate postpartum together, educating you on the things that matter to you as you start, or grow, your family in our ever-chnaging communities.
We currently offer holistic, integrative care packages to cover your childbearing season and beyond...
Home Birth Support includes your prenatal journey, your home birth experience, and 6 weeks of postpartum care.
Prenatal Stand-alone Support for our higher risk moms who will continue to see their OB but want added support and education, and also those low risk moms who simply prefer a hospital birth
Postpartum Stand-alone Support is a great gift for a mom that just wants a little added attention in those initial 6 weeks following birth.
Well-Woman Visits when you just have questions about an acute issue and want to take a more holistic approach at healing rather than just suppressing.
I look forward to meeting with you and discussing how the Midwifery Model of Care and Hands and Hearts Birth Services can benefit your birth experience.
Call today to schedule your free consultation and ask all your questions!